On September 21, 1993, Mike and Lana were recognized for their outstanding dedication to Chino Neighborhood House.
Mike and Lana received the 1994 U.S. Mayor’s End Hunger Award. On May 24, 1996, Mike and Lana received recognition from the California State Assembly for their outstanding work with the Don Antonio Lugo High School Key Club. On June 4, 1997, they received the Chino Kiwanis Club Division 15 Family of the Year Award.
Retired after serving 37 years as teachers/counselors in the Chino Valley Unified School District, Mike and Lana are devoting the rest of their lives to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, helping to enrich the lives of the most needy among us. While working in the CVUSD, they provided food, clothing, toys, beds, and furniture for the most needy families of our CVUSD students and Chino community, working individually as well as with Chino Neighborhood House.
Currently, Mike and Lana are serving as volunteer administrators for The River’s Edge Ranch, www.TheRiversEdgeRanch.com, providing information and acceptance letters to prison inmates for The River’s Edge Ranch transitional, sober living program. They have also worked to fund raise for The Ranch. Over the last several years, they have sent close to 1,000 acceptance letters to prison inmates. This has expanded into their prison pen pal ministry. They offer ongoing spiritual guidance and mentorship to all the inmates who wish to participate. They teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and use their counseling skills to help Jesus heal and transform these men.
Having grown up in a rural Eastern state and spending her early childhood there, if you ask Lana what is her vision for her mansion in heaven, she would smile and reply, “It would be a farm or a ranch with a lot of animals and plants.” God had planted this seed in her heart a long time ago, and He has watered, nurtured, and pruned it to where she is today. Lana truly feels like the men on The Ranch are part of her family and she treats them so. She believes it is beneficial to be open to fellowship with other non-profit/charity organizations with the same principles, values, and goals. She is a proud graduate of the International School Of Ministry (ISOM).
Michael is the husband of Lana Badouin. They have been married over 50 years. Together they have 3 natural sons and an adopted Korean daughter. They have six grandchildren. Michael is retired after serving for over 37 years in the education field as an elementary teacher, high school guidance counselor, Adult School counselor, and college professor. Michael’s specialty was helping students to obtain grants and scholarships. In 2010 he was recognized by The California Student Aid Commission as the top Financial Aid Counselor in the state. Michael is a gardener, creative writer and a gourmet cook that loves to travel, go to concerts and attend live productions. Michael is a proud graduate of the International School Of Ministry (ISOM).
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:35-40
If you ask Lisa who she really is, she will joyfully proclaim, “I am a child of God!” Lisa is married to an awesome man, Mario. They were married at The River’s Edge Ranch. The officiant was Big Al Aceves, newly retired director of The River’s Edge Ranch. Needless to say, Lisa has a really deeply heartfelt passion for The Ranch. She is blessed with three children and two grandchildren. For 30 years she has worked as a respiratory therapist. Helping those seeking help in the community is Lisa’s greatest joy. She is a proud graduate of the International School Of Ministry (ISOM). Lisa has started her own non-profit organization called S.O.N. - Serving Other's Needs. The group provides food , clothing and other necessities for people in need. To donate to her cause through G.O.D. please put "SON" into the comment section.
If you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.
And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water,
whose waters do not fail.
Isaiah 58:10-11
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